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Custom Publishing Solutions

Editing | Proofreading | ISBN | Text and Cover Formatting |


Copy Editing: corrects grammar, punctuation, capitalization, clarity, consistency and conformity to style. This is the lightest level of editing.

When you purchase Copy Editing, you will work directly with an editor and receive a copy-edited Word document using track changes to show what the editor suggests should be changed.

Developmental editing: is big-picture editing which covers plot, characterization, dialogue, pacing, flow, scene-crafting, dramatic structure, general appeal and overall technique. Other considerations may include refining of hook, point of view, suspense, readability and climax.

Author’s style and voice will be addressed as well as what’s working and what’s not.

A developmental edit often goes hand in hand with a Line Edit and proofreading.

When you purchase Developmental Editing, you will receive a manuscript along with comments, suggestions, additions and deletions (using track changes).

Line editing: used to polish the writer’s style, correct incorrect or awkward grammar, suggesting improved word choices, restructuring paragraphs and sentences where necessary, refining the author’s voice and tone, and generally making the prose sound professional. Special attention will be paid to character consistency, dialog and scene structure.

This level of editing is appropriate once the manuscript has been developmentally edited and is in good shape as far as content and structure are concerned.

When you purchase Line Editing, you will receive an edited manuscript with full annotation, track changes and an overview explaining the edits and recommendations.

Note: All editing must be scheduled and will require a substantial amount of time. Manuscripts will be edited as the editor’s schedule permits. Minimum time required is 8 weeks. A substantial fee will be required to shorten editing time. Please talk to your API representative about whether rush editing fees can be paid to speed the process.


When you purchase proofreading, your manuscript is checked for typos, misspellings, style and grammar errors, format consistency and general accuracy. Proofreading is the final step before printing and should be done after all editing and formatting has been completed.

Note: All proofreading must be scheduled and will require a substantial amount of time. Manuscripts will be proofread as the schedule permits. Minimum time required for this proofreading is 4 weeks. A substantial fee will be required to shorten proofreading time. Please talk to your API representative to see if rush fees can be applied to shorten proofreading time.

Book Formatting and Cover Design

Book Formatting takes the edited manuscript and places it into an accepted book format. Formatting includes adding page numbers, chapter numbers and titles, artwork, photos and illustrations where necessary, and provides the printer with a print-ready file.

Authors should provide the formatter with information regarding book size, point size, font preferences, header/footer style preferences, and any other specific requirements desired. Making decisions about these things before formatting has been done is important, because substantial changes to formatting after the fact will result in additional charges. These charges would apply if, for example, you change the book size, point size, font, add more than 3 illustrations/photographs or make changes to the standard margin sizes.

Clear instruction for image placement and high-resolution images must accompany your manuscript. The manuscript should be in its final form (edited and all changes completed) before it is given to the formatter. A comprehensive set of instructions (if you have specific requirements) should also accompany the manuscript.

Book formatting includes one round of revisions. You may make as many revisions as necessary (other than the aforementioned formatting changes) without incurring additional charges. Revisions should be submitted on the provided Microsoft Word revision sheet. Revisions sent in another manner may require additional fees if they slow the process. Submitting an author-revised manuscript file instead of revision sheets will result in substantial additional fees and will significantly slow the formatting process.

Additional rounds of galley revisions may be purchased if necessary. Please talk to your API representative.

Note: Book formatting takes 2 weeks for electronic files without special instructions and/or 5 or fewer illustrations/photos. Manuscripts with special instructions and/or 6 or more illustrations/photos up to 20 will require 4 weeks for formatting. Books with more than 20 illustrations/photos will require 6 weeks for formatting. Manuscripts which must be data entered (those that exist as hardcopy only) require 90 days for data entry/formatting and must be proofread by the author upon completion. Manuscripts will be formatted on a first come, first served basis. A substantial fee will be required to rush your job. Please talk to your API representative about rush formatting fees.